Don’t Let Your Credit Keep You from Getting the Vehicle You Need
We believe in offering our clients a range of solutions at Subaru de Laval. That means that we can help you even if your credit isn’t perfect, and it also means that we won’t look down or offer subpar service to anyone looking to buy a vehicle with poor credit or no credit. We will offer you the same level of professionalism and customer dedication in our second chance credit department as in all of our other departments, and we promise to find solutions for you. We can help you with a range of solutions for anyone including:
- Buyers with poor credit
- Buyers with no credit
- Buyers who have been impacted by the pandemic
- Buyers who have recently lost their job
- Buyers who are students
- Buyers who are self-employed
- Buyers who are new to Canada
Contact us today to learn more and let’s get you out the door in the vehicle you need today!